Adult Autism Eye contact in adults with autism
eye contact in adults

05 Feb 2024

Eye contact in adults with autism

Autism spectrum disorder or ASD is defined by several different traits, such as difficulty in social situations, special interests and sensory processing differences. While autism …

Autism in Women What social communication challenges do women with autism have?

23 Aug 2023

What social communication challenges do women with autism have?

Women with autism have their own set of social difficulties that make it difficult for them to communicate with other people. Turn taking, staying on …

Autism in Women What are the main signs of autism masking in women?

27 Jun 2023

What are the main signs of autism masking in women?

Autism masking (also known as camouflaging) involves suppressing or controlling behaviours that are associated with people on the autism spectrum. Masking is essentially not being …

Autism in Women How is autism different in females to males?

10 Nov 2022

How is autism different in females to males?

Female’ Presentation Of Autism This is an interesting one. We would say it is not. You still get the same profile of difficulties with social …